Sunday, August 19, 2012

Positive Behavior System

I posted earlier this summer about Positive Behavior Support Interventions (PBSI) and I wanted to show how I use it in my classroom.

I use this chart for "class points" all of the numbers are attached with Velcro, so that I can remove them easily. Each day the class begins with 10 points. They can lose points by not making good choices as a group: transitioning loudly, not staying on task, talking/playing in the hallways, being disruptive when we have a guest, etc. Their goal is to keep as many points as they can. If they keep 9 or 10 points, they earn 2 letters to a good behavior puzzle (see below), if they keep 7 or 8 points, they earn 1 letter for the puzzle. At the end of each day I record on my white board how many points they earn, the next day they get to guess letters for their puzzle. The inside white area of the chart is for positive behavior marks. The students earn these for making good choices: earning compliments, making good transitions, good lunchroom behavior, etc. For each mark they earn ( I use check marks) they earn a piece of candy. I always keep a jar on my desk of M&Ms, Skittles, or candy that goes with the season (Candy Corn, Conversation Hearts, etc.). For example if they earn 5 positive behavior marks, they get 5 pieces of candy each. They must have their area clean, packed up, with their book bag on their back during dismissal to get their candy. Both parts of the chart work wonders!

I keep this puzzle below the chart. I start off with easy puzzles and get more difficult as the year goes on. For example this says " We worked hard for cookie ice cream treats!". Once the students solve the puzzle (they must wait to solve until there are 3 or less blanks left) they earn whatever the puzzle says. Typically, my students earn about 1 party a month. I have a list of puzzles that I have used from year to year and the kids enjoy them a lot. We invite parents and administration to encourage continued positive behavior and because they enjoy coming! 

1 comment:

  1. This is real great positive behavior! I need to implement in my class Printable Puzzles
